‘Ecce Homo’ web app for Sheptytsky Center, UCU
custom web application
- Technologies: HTML/CSS, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, Laravel
- Date of realization: August 2017
- Country: Ukraine
- Industry: e-learning, education, culture, history.

Project goals:
- To create UX/UI design of custom web application for HD touch screen (1920x1080 full screen mode)
- To program custom web application
- To make web application responsive for mobile phone and tablets
Interactive touch panels presented at the exhibition
Sheptytsky Center

Achieved results:
- Conducted Technical Requirements Analysis
- Created UX/UI design for full HD screens
- Created UX/UI design for responsive web application
- Programmed Back-end and front-end of web application
- Installed and launched at HD panels

Responsive web application
King Cross Leopolis
Custom web site for shopping mall. Created UX/UI design of mobile application for iOS and Android
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Write us
Send us your project description for website development or application development, or fill in brief. We will check all details with your an offer you the best solution.
- Telephone
- +38 (050) 430-0606
- [email protected]